Professional Service Every Time
Houston weather makes some very outrageous demands for your air conditioning and heating systems, and even with all of the preventative maintenance in the world, Houston weather can still cause units to breakdown. It is our promise to provide residential and commercial servicing that you can rely on, meaning that we are always honest and only make the repairs necessary. When the our ten-month summers are upon us, you can trust Master AC & Heat to solve the issue quickly.
Common symptoms of HVAC damage:
- AC unit makes loud, screeching sounds
- Low airflow through your home or business
- Leaks from ducts or units
- Visibly frozen coils
- It’s not getting cooler!
If you are experiencing these or any other issues with your HVAC system, give Master AC & Heat a call, and we will find and fix the source of the problem quickly and at the lowest cost possible!
To receive a Master estimate, request a quote for residential and commercial servicing, and we’ll return your request in 48 hours!